
Brand Web Designer in Lagos

Ultimate View Booking Website

Booking website for Home Automation and Digital Installation Services

Digital Installation and Home automation web design



The client

Ultimate View is a Home and Office Digital LPV Installation Company. The owner wanted a classy website that not only showcases his products and services but one that improves his workflow and allows customers book for relevant services on the website.

The goal

The owner wanted a good-looking webshop with booking functionality that allows users to book for services and purchase exciting gadgets while having a great experience on the website.



I created a showroom to showcase the goods sold by the company as well as a booking section on the contact page to allow users get specific services right at their doorstep.


To help Ultimate View’s target audience see gadgets being sold by the company, I created the Showroom page. I used Woocommerce in setting the page up. It also features a contact form for easy access to a professional,
Home automation web design

Booking Section

The Booking Section is spotted on the Contact Page to Allow Users Order Professional Services on the go.
Digital Installation web design

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